Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Maryn Belle's First Steps

Driving home from golfing with Lesley, I get a phone call from my husband...."She's walking....Maryn is walking"! Of course I was yelling on the other end of the phone "NO WAY"....the same thing I yelled out when I found out that she came out with a vagina (I swore she was a boy for the last two months). Anyway, every Mom can sympathize with me on the topic of not being there for your baby's first steps....OUCH! Although, I am so glad that James was able to witness it! 6 steps on her own....she just turned around and started stepping. I have yet to witness this, but Daddy swears! I am beginning to think that the little stinker is much more manipulative than we knows I will pick her up, so why would she want to show me that she can walk? Smartypants!

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